## Xiaomi Mi A3 _laurel\_sprout_ REF: - - - - - - - ## Guide Settings -> About phone -> Android version -> Build number - `qssi-user 11 RKQ1.100903.002 V12.0.25.RFQMIXM` - - - Settings -> About phone -> Build number: 7x taps Settings -> System -> Advanced -> Developer options - Enable: OEM unlocking - Enable: USB debugging - - - Power off Fastboot mode - Power on + volume down - - - ```console kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ fastboot oem device-info (bootloader) Verity mode: true (bootloader) Device unlocked: false (bootloader) Device critical unlocked: false (bootloader) Charger screen enabled: false OKAY [ 0.001s] Finished. Total time: 0.001s kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ fastboot oem unlock FAILED (remote: 'unknown command') fastboot: error: Command failed kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ fastboot flashing unlock OKAY [ 0.029s] Finished. Total time: 0.029s kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ ``` _Complete first time setup/install wizard_ _Re-enabled Developer options for USB debugging_ - - - ```console kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ fastboot oem device-info (bootloader) Verity mode: true (bootloader) Device unlocked: true (bootloader) Device critical unlocked: false (bootloader) Charger screen enabled: false OKAY [ 0.001s] Finished. Total time: 0.001s kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ fastboot flash boot boot_los22.img Sending 'boot_a' (65536 KB) OKAY [ 1.510s] Writing 'boot_a' OKAY [ 0.322s] Finished. Total time: 1.869s kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ fastboot boot boot_los22.img Sending 'boot.img' (65536 KB) OKAY [ 1.496s] Booting FAILED (remote: 'unknown command') fastboot: error: Command failed kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ fastboot reboot Rebooting OKAY [ 0.001s] Finished. Total time: 0.101s kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ ``` _Can't do `fastboot boot [...]` trick_ - - - Power off Recovery mode - Power on + volume up ```plaintext Version: 22.0 (20241206) Product name - laurel_sprout Active slot: a ``` Apply update -> Apply from ADB ```console kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ adb sideload lineage-22.0-20241206-UNOFFICIAL-laurel_sprout.zip adb: sideload connection failed: no devices/emulators found adb: trying pre-KitKat sideload method... adb: pre-KitKat sideload connection failed: no devices/emulators found kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ adb devices * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037 * daemon started successfully List of devices attached kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ ``` - - - DEBUG ```console kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ dpkg -l | grep -w adb ii adb 1:34.0.5-3 amd64 Android Debug Bridge kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ adb --version Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 Version 35.0.2-12147458 Installed as /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb Running on Linux 6.11.2-amd64 (x86_64) kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ ``` _Switched USB cables_ ```console kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ adb devices List of devices attached 3f2b95895e52 sideload kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ ``` ...Fastboot fine, but adb had issues! - - - ```console kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ adb sideload lineage-22.0-20241206-UNOFFICIAL-laurel_sprout.zip serving: 'lineage-22.0-20241206-UNOFFICIAL-laurel_sprout.zip' (~47%) adb: failed to read command: Success kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ ``` adb got stuck at "47%", however on the device said it was completed! Back at the main menu. Reboot - - - ```plaintext Version: 22.0 (20241206) Product name - laurel_sprout Active slot: b ``` ```console kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ adb sideload Magisk-v28.1.apk Total xfer: 0.65x kali@kali:~/laurel_sprout$ ``` Device said it was completed! Back at the main menu. Reboot - - - ```plaintext Version: 22.0 (20241206) Product name - laurel_sprout Active slot: b ``` Factory reset -> Format data/factory reset -> Format data Back -> Reboot system now _Complete first time setup/install wizard_ _Re-enabled Developer options for USB debugging_ - - - Open Magisk -> Prompt: Requires Additional Setup: Ok Magisk -> Install -> Direct install (Recommended) -> Let's Go -> Reboot